在 Ptt C_and_CPP 版看到網友的分享:http://www.cppgm.org/index.html
是個免費的線上課程,但結業時要求妳/你寫出一套 C++ compiler (x86_64)、standard library、toolchain ,並且要符合 C++11 標準,過程中不可以使用任何的 3rd party code 。
Participants in this free online course will develop their own C++ compiler, standard library, and toolchain with the following features:
- Compliant with the latest 2011 standard (C++11)
- Written entirely in C++ with no third-party dependencies
- Code generator targeting Linux x86_64
- Full toolchain including preprocessor, assembler, and linker
- Will build with itself (self-hosting) and pass provided conformance test suite
- the title Certified C++ Grandmaster [CPPGM]
CPPGM 認證過後的一代宗師!
- a letter of recommendation detailing their achievement
CPPGM 會幫你寫一封介紹信!
- access to a course graduate exclusive professional networking group
2013/2/15: 報名截止
2013/3/1: 下一期開課
有興趣的趕快衝啊~不過認真一下,網路上 google 不太到 CPPGM 的詳細資訊,網頁上的自我介紹也很簡單幾句:
The CPPGM Foundation was formed by a software company that
recognized the value to programmer productivity that a good
knowledge of language mechanics had to new developers to
their team. The C++ Grandmaster Certification began
development as an internal training program, and the
foundation was founded to offer it publicly.
或許是某個詐騙集團要騙 code 或是神奇企業的徵才方式?!不過若是能按部就班、完整提供這樣訓練內容的組織,大概也非等閒之輩,精通 C++11 標準、library 還有底層實務。衝著這些,報名去了~
4 則留言:
我也找死報名了 (內心旁白: 最好有時間玩這個 T_T)
不過目前看來是個幌子的機會比較大 (話說你也沒收到報名確認 email 吧)
哈,我也是抱著"沒有太多時間可以投入"的心情報名了,報名確認信到現在也沒見到 :~ 寫信去問了
收到回信了,他們沒有報名確認信的機制。寫信去詢問大概是目前唯一可行的方法 :~