500 Miles (Away From Home)

500 miles If you miss the train I'm on You will know that I am gone You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles A hundred miles, a hundred miles A hundred miles, a hundred miles You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles Lord , I'm one. Lord , l'm two Lord , I'm three. Lord , I'm four Lord , I'm five hundred miles away from home Away from home, away from home Away from home, away from home Lord , I'm five hundred miles away from home Not a shirt on my back Not a penny to my name Lord, I can't go back home this way This way, this way This way, this way Lord, I can't go back home this way 很熟悉的歌,是國一全班參加英語歌唱比賽唱的, 偶爾,還會不自覺哼上一兩句! 不過感覺已經和以前不同了, 過去不懂故事那位離鄉背井的少年心中的感受, 但隨著來台南的日子越長,就越能感受! 一個人的日子,空蕩蕩的寢室, 夜深人靜,熬夜,也只有咖啡陪伴, 快樂了,找不到人說,想哭了,就躲到棉被裡; 兩次較嚴重的病,也是一個人硬撐過去, 經歷過這些,才讓我知道家的溫暖! 今天,坐在客運上,往窗外看去,又不自覺哼起: 「Lord , I'm one. Lord , l'm two ...」


Windows + Visual Studio + VSCode + CMake 的疑難雜症

Environment Windows 10 Visual Studio 2019 CMake 3.27.7 VSCode VSCode CMake Tools 1. CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE 是空的 參考一下 這篇 的處理。 大致上因為 Visual...