
好的電影,總是有一、兩句台詞能讓觀眾受益。 來成大也已經三年半了,也看過 BBS 上無數訐譙店家不衛生,飯菜裡總是小強加味的文章!每當一個店家爆出這樣的留言,我總是給他三次機會,超過的,就盡量避免去消費;因此,這三年半可以說是吃得高興、喝的歡欣!沒想到,今天中午就遇到小半強出現在高麗菜堆裡 Orz 還是個學姐眼尖,告訴了我,不然我還真沒仔細瞧到(心中 OS:不會過去三年半並非如此風平浪靜,一切都只是我傻人有傻福、老天的一個善意謊言而已?!噁…) 唉~出來"吃",遲早都要還的 … 天啊,老大,你真是太有哲理了 唉~兩科期中考,是不是該吶喊一下:"自強不息、自強不息、自強不息" >_<

Off the Shelf

Survey Network Processor 碰到的單字,譯點通找不到,wikipedia 上到是有不錯的解釋:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Off_the_shelf 節錄如下:

When buying things, "Off the shelf" refers to products that have already been designed and made, compared to "made to measure" ("one-off", "custom-built", "custom made", etc.) which refers to products that have to be made to a special order.

Off the shelf products are generally cheaper and more quickly available than made to measure.



MiniFilter InstanceSetupCallback is not called?

一般來說,MiniFilter 的 InstanceSetupCallback 會在 filter manager 把 minifilter attache 到 volume 後呼叫。如果沒有的話,可以檢查一下 minifilter 的 INF 是否把 instance fla...