Off the Shelf

Survey Network Processor 碰到的單字,譯點通找不到,wikipedia 上到是有不錯的解釋: 節錄如下:

When buying things, "Off the shelf" refers to products that have already been designed and made, compared to "made to measure" ("one-off", "custom-built", "custom made", etc.) which refers to products that have to be made to a special order.

Off the shelf products are generally cheaper and more quickly available than made to measure.


MiniFilter InstanceSetupCallback is not called?

一般來說,MiniFilter 的 InstanceSetupCallback 會在 filter manager 把 minifilter attache 到 volume 後呼叫。如果沒有的話,可以檢查一下 minifilter 的 INF 是否把 instance fla...