NetBSD Kernel 要支援 Lua

讓我想起了以前微軟研究院利用 C# 改良版 Spec# 開發的 Singularity OS ,不過這次換成了 Lua 。

2010 年便開始開始的 GSoC project,一度變成沒人維護的項目,不過 NetBSD 7 可能即將包含它。還提到了 Python 和 Java 也是有可能的取代方案,不過考慮到這兩個語言的 object mapping 和 memory 需求量,還是沒有成真。

目前看來外國鄉民是一面倒地不看好,不過技術嘛,或許會有令人驚豔的應用或影響出現也說不定!不過 script language 大都帶有 garbage collection ,要讓這大傢伙和 kernel 裡其他的 subsystem 互動順利、尤其是記憶體管理,加上處理 interpreter 內,自帶的 synchronization mechanism 搭配 kernel scheduler ,花的功夫應該是不少,令人好奇!



BoostPro 要關門了?!

在 Boost mail list 上看到的消息:

Subject: [boost] Future of Boost Windows Installers
From: Dave Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-01-31 14:42:33


As many of you already know, I'm going to work at Apple in late
February, and BoostPro is closing its doors. For many years, the Boost
Getting Started Guide has suggested that Windows users pop over to
BoostPro's website and use the latest installer to get Windows binaries.
We'd like to donate to the community the technology used to build those
installers. If anyone would like to pick up the job of creating them,
we'd be happy to offer guidance.

Right now I'm on a plane where an uplink to GitHub is creeping along at
4KB/s, so I've been pushing the stuff up in bits and pieces and the
latest stuff isn't up there, but it's going to and will be complete within 24 hours.

Whatever happens with this installer code, someone is going to need to
update the Getting Started Guide, either to point at the installer's new
home, or to remove references to it.

Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing                  Software Development        Training             Clang/LLVM/EDG Compilers  C++  Boost

BoostPro 是幾位 C++ 大師組成的教學顧問團隊,BoostPro 上有他們的黃金陣容的介紹:

  • Dave Abrahams
    多年來致力於 C++ 標準制定和 Boost 推廣維護,貢獻了很多 Boost libraries、2001 年創辦 BoostPro 、
  • Joel de Guzman
    Boost.Spirit 、 Boost.Fusion 和 Boost.Phoneix 的作者。看過 Spirit 精妙的 C++ expression templates 魔術後,很難不對作者留下深刻印象。
  • Jeremy Siek
    六個 Boost libraries 的作者,很早就在 Boost 裡頭提供一套 concept check 的人。

嗯, Apple 這幾年應該算是最力挺 native code 的大型軟體公司(硬體公司?!),旗下的 LLVM、Clang 等 open source projects 不說,還雇用了 Doug Gregor (Modules for C++)、Howard Hinnant(libcxx 作者) 等神人在為更底層的基礎扎根,曾幾何時,竟然要喊聲: Apple 加油啊~

C++ Grandmaster Certification ( 一代宗師認證)

在 Ptt C_and_CPP 版看到網友的分享

是個免費的線上課程,但結業時要求妳/你寫出一套 C++ compiler (x86_64)、standard library、toolchain ,並且要符合 C++11 標準,過程中不可以使用任何的 3rd party code 。

Participants in this free online course will develop their own C++ compiler, standard library, and toolchain with the following features:

  • Compliant with the latest 2011 standard (C++11)
  • Written entirely in C++ with no third-party dependencies
  • Code generator targeting Linux x86_64
  • Full toolchain including preprocessor, assembler, and linker
  • Will build with itself (self-hosting) and pass provided conformance test suite


  • the title Certified C++ Grandmaster [CPPGM]

CPPGM 認證過後的一代宗師!

  • a letter of recommendation detailing their achievement

CPPGM 會幫你寫一封介紹信!

  • access to a course graduate exclusive professional networking group



2013/2/15: 報名截止

2013/3/1: 下一期開課

有興趣的趕快衝啊~不過認真一下,網路上 google 不太到 CPPGM 的詳細資訊,網頁上的自我介紹也很簡單幾句:


The CPPGM Foundation was formed by a software company that
recognized the value to programmer productivity that a good
knowledge of language mechanics had to new developers to
their team.  The C++ Grandmaster Certification began
development as an internal training program, and the
foundation was founded to offer it publicly.


或許是某個詐騙集團要騙 code 或是神奇企業的徵才方式?!不過若是能按部就班、完整提供這樣訓練內容的組織,大概也非等閒之輩,精通 C++11 標準、library 還有底層實務。衝著這些,報名去了~

WinDbg Tips: Automatically Break into the Target Computer


  • 進行非常早期的 kernel debugging ,希望在 kernel 完成初始化後,立即中斷。
  • 追蹤 boot process 、kernel loader 、休眠啟動(resume from hibernation)。透過適當 BCDEdit 設定,也可用來 debug BootMgr, Winload.exe, WinResume.exe 等程式


在 WinDbg 裡頭又稱作:Change Post-Reboot Break State 。目前共有三種模式可供切換:

No break
除非使用者按下 CTRL+Break 手動觸發一個 break event ,否則不會中斷 target 的運作。預設模式。
Break on reboot
當 target 上的 kernel 完成初始化後,立即中斷。 Break on first module load
當 target 上的 kernel 完成第一個 module 的載入,立即中斷。




automatic break


透過 BCDEdit 開啟 boot manager 的 debug :

bcdedit /set {bootmgr} bootdebug on

接著,在 WinDbg 中設定 Break on reboot ,重開機後,我們就可以看到 WinDbg 停在 bootmgr 上了。



會有這篇文章,是因為上了張銀奎老師的課,張銀奎老師不用多做介紹,他是软件调试[2]的作者,也常在高端调试[3]出沒(應該也是該網站的建立者?!),三天的課程非常精實,把 Windows Internals 用 WinDbg 方式再講一次,受益匪淺 :)


  1. CTRL+K (Change Post-Reboot Break State) (Windows Debuggers):
  2. 软件调试:
  3. 高端调试:

MiniFilter InstanceSetupCallback is not called?

一般來說,MiniFilter 的 InstanceSetupCallback 會在 filter manager 把 minifilter attache 到 volume 後呼叫。如果沒有的話,可以檢查一下 minifilter 的 INF 是否把 instance fla...