BoostPro 要關門了?!

在 Boost mail list 上看到的消息:

Subject: [boost] Future of Boost Windows Installers
From: Dave Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-01-31 14:42:33


As many of you already know, I'm going to work at Apple in late
February, and BoostPro is closing its doors. For many years, the Boost
Getting Started Guide has suggested that Windows users pop over to
BoostPro's website and use the latest installer to get Windows binaries.
We'd like to donate to the community the technology used to build those
installers. If anyone would like to pick up the job of creating them,
we'd be happy to offer guidance.

Right now I'm on a plane where an uplink to GitHub is creeping along at
4KB/s, so I've been pushing the stuff up in bits and pieces and the
latest stuff isn't up there, but it's going to and will be complete within 24 hours.

Whatever happens with this installer code, someone is going to need to
update the Getting Started Guide, either to point at the installer's new
home, or to remove references to it.

Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing                  Software Development        Training             Clang/LLVM/EDG Compilers  C++  Boost

BoostPro 是幾位 C++ 大師組成的教學顧問團隊,BoostPro 上有他們的黃金陣容的介紹:

  • Dave Abrahams
    多年來致力於 C++ 標準制定和 Boost 推廣維護,貢獻了很多 Boost libraries、2001 年創辦 BoostPro 、
  • Joel de Guzman
    Boost.Spirit 、 Boost.Fusion 和 Boost.Phoneix 的作者。看過 Spirit 精妙的 C++ expression templates 魔術後,很難不對作者留下深刻印象。
  • Jeremy Siek
    六個 Boost libraries 的作者,很早就在 Boost 裡頭提供一套 concept check 的人。

嗯, Apple 這幾年應該算是最力挺 native code 的大型軟體公司(硬體公司?!),旗下的 LLVM、Clang 等 open source projects 不說,還雇用了 Doug Gregor (Modules for C++)、Howard Hinnant(libcxx 作者) 等神人在為更底層的基礎扎根,曾幾何時,竟然要喊聲: Apple 加油啊~

1 則留言:

fr3@K 提到...

The end of an era and a beginning if a new one. Thanks for sharing. :-)

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