Single/Double/Multiple Dispatch - Part 1

Design PatternGenerative ProgrammingModern C   Design Cover

     GoF 的 Design Patterns [1] 一書在 Visitor pattern 的實做描述中提到了 single/double dispatch,並針對 single dispatch 給了這樣的說明:

In single-dispatch languages, two criteria determine which operation will fulfill a request: the name of the request and the type of receiver

     若要快速地瞭解這句話,我們不妨白話點:函式的喚起是倚賴 function overriding (dynamic polymorphism) 與 overloading (static polymorphism) 的合作而完成的。以 C++ 為例,假設我們有以下的繼承架構:



Base* ptr = new Derived1;
ptr->foo( 1 );
會被喚起的函式是 Derived1::foo( int ),而非 Base::foo( int ) ,當然更不可能是 Derived2::foo( int ),這是 function overriding (dynamic polymorphism),以 C++ 說,因為當下物件 ptr 的 vtbl 指向的型別是 Derived1 而非 Base ,這也就是 GoF 書中提到的 type of receiver 的部份。至於為何是 Derived1::foo( int ) 而不是 Derived1::foo( string ),就是倚賴 function overloading ,相當於GoF 書中提到的 name of the request

     那什麼是 double dispatch 呢?耶,有 double ,那有沒有 triple 呢?quadruple 呢?…?答案是有,而且我們還習慣把它們合在一稱為 multiple dispatch ,在另一本 OO 聖經書籍 Generative Programming [2] 中提到:多型機制可分為兩大類:single dispatch 和 multiple dispatch (又稱 multimethods):

Single dispatch corresponds to the Smalltalk idea of sending a message to an object, where the appropriate method (i.e., message implementation) is selected based on the type of the reciever.

Single dispatch introduces asymmetry with respect to the arguments because the first argument is treated specially.

A dispatch mechanism that uniformly uses all argument types for selecting the method is referred to as multiple dispatch, or mutlimethods.

     從上面的解釋中我們不難體會:常見語言(如:C++, Java, C# )的動態多型呼叫是可轉換成對等的 C 語言,轉換的虛擬碼如:

// C++
Base* ptr = new Derived1;
ptr->foo( 1 );

// C
foo_in_c( ptr, 1 );
foo_in_c( Base* ptr, int i )
	if ( "Base" == ptr->type_info() )
		Base::foo_in_c( i );
	else if ( "Derived1" == ptr->type_info() )
		Derived1::foo_in_c( i );
		Derived2::foo_in_c( i );

我們可以透過 this 得到 ptr 的記憶體位置,並傳給轉換後的 foo_in_c 去決定該喚起的是哪個 method ,這種將第一個參數特別挑出來檢驗的機制就稱作 single dispatch ,反之,若是今天 foo 有 N 個參數,函式的喚起得考慮 run-time 時,每個參數的實際型別,那就是 multiple dispatch 。

     Multiple dispatch 比起 single dispatch 更具有表達與描述威力,因為同一個時間點,它同時考慮了多個 物件的 run-time 型別。而目前只有少數語言有支援這個特色:如 CLOS 。其他語言則需要透過 extension 。[7] 羅列了一些這類的整理資料,

     針對 C++ ,除了找 extension 外,還可以在經典書籍 Modern C++ Design 的第十一章,看到 Andrei 的一些討論。另外,[9] 這篇 C++ Report 的文章也提出了一個解法,[10] 則針對上面兩個方法有所簡單討論, [9] 也是從這找到的。


  1. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, 1998
  2. Generative Programming: Methods, Tools, and Applications by Krzysztof Czarnecki and Ulrich W. Eisenecker, Addison Wesley, 2000
  3. Generative Programming:
  4. Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied by Andrei Alexandrescu, Addison Wesley, 2001
  5. Dynamic Dispatch - wikipedia:
  6. Double Dispatch - wikipedia:
  7. Multiple Dispatch - wikipedia:
  8. Single, Double and Multiple Dispatch:
  9. Multiple Dispatch A New Approach using templates and RTTI:
  10. Re: 備份 : Multiple Dispatch:


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